Artist Research: Snow White & The Huntsman (2012)

snowwhiteandthehuntsman2410_tpd_00040rv2-1-Screen Shot 2012-12-05 at 5.48.27 PM

So while looking at my images I decided I wanted to go for a more storyline of images. I wanted to present the desire to be young and youtful forever. The movie Snow white and the huntsman was the best example for what I was aiming for. I will re do my test shots and try and accomplish three images of: looking into a mirror and desiring youth.. noticing the change in age on our bodies and finally stealing the youth from those around us.. I think the director of this movie did the “ageing” topic very well, for example the woman going from young to old and the transferring of youth from her to the old witch.

Camera Techniques: Slow Shutter Speed


When in the studio we decided to experiment with light art. We tried various things but these three were my favourite. The spirit coming out of my mouth and the swing set was my idea and I think they turned out very well. O also enjoy the staircase on I think that one is really cool also. We did this by using a 30 second shutter speed.

Fear Of The Dark: Second Test Shots

For my second test shots I tried linking them to my research and get the kind of “ritual” and “casting” look to it. I had a good idea of having a open book with my nan in a circle of candles. I think this shows off the casting kind of look giving the impression my nan is actually a witch. To improve these images I shouldve maybe of done it in a different location because I was told by many people that the tv was very distracting. At the same time I also wanted to get the look that the fire behind her had lit because of her casting the spells, which was hard to do considering it was in the living near the tv. I am happy with the turn out of these test shots.

Artist Research: “Drag Me To Hell” (2009)

While researching I was told to take a look at the movie “Drag Me To Hell” for some inspiration and ideas on which craft. This movie has got some good ideas based around that and also gypsies. I watched clips from the movie and chose these three to get my ideas from. The first one a picture of the old lady who has the witchy look to her is an inspiration to the kind of look I want on my nan. Also I want to focus on the last picture of them around the table and the second picture with the hands up like the spell is being cast. I think the director successfully created a scary look to this movie with the sudden suspense and the look of unknown and trying to cure the woman that got cursed by the gypsy ( witch in my case )

Fear Of The Dark: First Test Shots


These are my first test shots of my nan that were partially accidental. The first image was experimental when I first decided to do witchcraft and just played around with the image on liquify. I decided I really liked it and wanted to progress with it so I edited the other two photos I took of my nan. I like the turn out of these pictures and how ordinary she looks in the clothes but yet she was a wicked and evil face. I have some sort of idea of what I want to do for my final images but I’m not sure if it will involve a picture like this (just a full on photo of my nan) I think these images were captured well and linked to my theme (witchcraft) well considering my nan looks she is the type to be casting or is under some kind of evil command.

Artist Research: “The Devil Rides Out” (1968)

While researching artists and looking more into the subject I want to do (Witchcraft) I came accross the black and white picture above and really liked the idea of it. I looked at the source of the picture and found out it was from a movie in 1968 called “The Devil Rides Out” I looked at more images from the movie and thought i’d use this as inspiration as I really like the idea of the summoning in a circle with lit candles. Also there is images from the movie where a man in a robe is calling out to cure or destroy the girl on the table that is “cursed” I researched more into this movie and it turns out in the movie the girl is summoned to serve the devil so two of the men are there to save her. I think this will really help me progress with my images as they use a lot of imagery to do with “dark magic” and “witchcraft” which is what I am aiming for.


Week Seven: Documentary FEEDBACK SUMMARY

Does the image fit within the theme? How?

  • Yes represents a peaceful place and/or where I live.

How could the image be improved?

  • A change of angles.

What do you like about the image?

  • How the images flow together and similarity.
  • Simple and believable and the matching of colours, how they fit together.

What do you dislike, if anything?

Artist Research: Joshua Hoffine

Joshua Hoffine was the first photographer I found that did horror and scary photos. I know a lot of other people in the class found him but his photos really stuck out to me. I think he took peoples basic fears, for example, clowns, the basement, the living dead and even just spiders and emphasized them to make them the creepiest way possible. A lot of his photos are very uncomfortable to look at in my opinion, I think he tried to capture peoples fear and transform them into everyday situations. For example going down into the basement for something and there being something under the stairs, or walking into the garden to see the laundry hanging up and there being a killer clown.